Observers of a signature invitation

Observers can view documents but can't sign them and need a Skribble account to do so. They're informed by email about the signature progress, such as, if someone signs or declines to sign a document.

Tip! Observers are informed about the signature progress by e-mail.
They can view the document but not sign it and need a Skribble account to do so.

Observers will get an e-mail when:

    • a signature invitation has been declined;
    • a document has been signed by all signers;
    • the signature has been assigned to someone else;
    • a signature invitation has been withdrawn.

    Adding observers to a signature invitation

    Note! This feature is only available to Skribble Business and Enterprise customers.
    As a creator of a signature invitation, you don't need to add yourself as an observer, as we will inform you about the signature progress by e-mail anyway.

    After you've added signers to your signature invitation, you can add observers to it if you want. To do so:

    • Navigate to Observers and enter the e-mail address of people you want to keep in the loop
    As a creator of a signature invitation, you don't need to add yourself as an observer, as we will inform you about the signature progress by e-mail anyway.

    Adding observers
    • Click Send invitation at the upper-right